Programming Skills Evaluation Service
Test of Programming Skills for International Coders
Contact about TOPSIC
TOPSIC is measurement tool for programming skill.
・TOPSIC is a service on the cloud that allows you to evaluate a wide range of engineers' programming skills from beginner to advanced online and in real time.
・TOPSIC can objectively measure the programming skill like TOEIC which is test of English communication.
TOPSIC use case
Hiring new graduates and mid-career recruitment
・Evaluate real programming skill to prevent skill mismatch after adoption
Selection of development consignee
・Evaluate whether having the programming skills necessary for development.
Nurture employees' programming skills
・Improve employee's motivation for programming skill
・Increase consciousness of generate clean code following the program code of high skilled person.
Evaluate offshore skill and hiring people from different countries
・Multilingual: Use for offshore company selection and hiring people from other countries.
To make employees' programming skills improve
a.Employees regularly take TOPSIC, therefore everyone's skills are made visible.
b.Visualization will further motivate employees to upgrade their skills.
c.Reference to the good code of the skillful person who received the same test.
TOPSIC features
Excellent exam questions
AtCoder Inc., the world-level domestic programming contest planning and management company, creates the best exam questions for programming skill evaluation.
Continuously provide new exam questions
Evaluate the programming skills of a wide range of engineers from beginner to advanced combining the exam questions of difficulty levels 1 to 6 and conducting the test in about 60 minutes to 90 minutes.
Supports mainstream programming language
Supports mainstream programming language, e.g. Java, C#, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Python, Scala and COBOL.
Online and real time automatic scoring
Examinee generates programming code in time, and the results are automatically scoring online and in real time.
Result analysis and examinee management
Evaluate examinee's level relatively based on rank and deviation value internally and externally. And evaluate own skill level in terms of employee education.
Global support
English examination available (Other languages will be supported sequentially)
AtCoder Inc., famous for programming contest ,
creates the exam questions.
AtCoder Inc. is established by regular winners of world wide programming contest and they also hold programming contests themselves. Based on many years of know-how, they create the optimum exam questions for programming skill evaluation.
Exam questions by difficulty level in 6 stages: Evaluate program language skill base on foundamental "Thinking" ability, not basic development skill.
Automatical scoring: Provide automatic scoring function for the submitted source code. Quickly visualize examinee's skill sets with its own scoring function tailored to the difficulty.
Naohiro Takahashi
In the long-term programming contest, Takahashi took part in TopCoder Open's finals tournament 5 times, which is the highest level in the world, and has won the second place twice. He has many experiences in the world top class in long-term contests, and has abundant experiences such as lectures at universities, live commentary and commentary on AI contests, talk sessions and so on.
Contest Manager
Makoto Soejima
Soejima has won many achievements including winning in all three of the personal competition in the programming contest, Google Code Jam, TopCoder Open, Facebook Hacker Cup. He is strong in mathematics, such as winning at the international mathematics Olympics with full marks, and has world-class skills in short-term contests.
Contest Sub-Manager
Kento Nikaido
Nikaido has won many victories in domestic programming contest sponsored by AtCoder in his school days. Even in the international online contest, he is one of the dominant domestic leaders in the contest, including the most famous ICPC in team warfare and the most famous Google Code Jam in individual warfare, having experience in the world championship finals.
TOPSIC configuration image
Prepare abundant exam questions suite for the candidate's skill level
Exam questions
Create and supply problems of difficulty levels 1 to 6 one after another.
Create and provide tests that combine various exam questions one after another.
Freely create events for each group of examinees, and take tests.
About exam question level
Algorithm ability elementary level or higher, programming experience learning 3 months or more, student / new employee level. Modify the programming code while receiving support.
Level 2
Algorithm ability elementary level or higher, freshman level about 1 year programming experience. Generate the programming code according to the specifications while receiving support at unknown point.
Level 3
Algorithm ability intermediate level or higher, Programming experience about 2 to 3 years and programming sense is normal level. Implement by oneself while investigating. Find out and improve problems, and improvement it.
Level 4
Algorithm ability intermediate level or higher, programming experience 3 years or more and programming sense is a good type. Understand the requirements, create specifications, and implement without problems.
Level 5
Algorithm ability superior or higher, programming experience 5 years or more, excellent in programming sense, the development leader class. Understand the requests and implement instructions. Also able to coach others.
Level 6
Algorithm ability superior or higher, so-called super programmer, outstanding programming sense. Understand the internal specification of the language, and create a framework from scratch.
【About settlement】
Annual basic fee is credit card settlement at initial contract.
Credit settlement will be made within 5 business days of the next month for the month that you used on that month at the end of the month.
The total of the annual basic fee and the selected annual fee is credit card settlement at initial contract.
<< Automatic extension contract >>
Annnual renewal will be automatically settled by credit card at contract renewal month.
1.Hiring screening
He/She said that he/she had confidence but he/she did not have any skills at all In order not to regret after hiring
2.Employee programming
With visualization of programming skills, employee's awareness changes, consciousness to create clear code, and interest in multiple languages.
3.Evaluate skill of
development consignee
"After 2 months performance, result was not so good then cancel the contract." In order not to do so, evaluate the necessary programming skills before contracting.
Recommended Environment
Recommended browsers: Google Chrome
※Other browsers are deprecated.
Contact about TOPSIC